Carriers are assigned a single, dedicated dispatcher who is trained not only to find you the best freight and position you accordingly, but will also handle phone and written communication to the shipper and broker in regard to carrier packet setups, load status updates, roadside assistance, change of plans, traffic delays, weather delays, trip planning, fuel advances and any additional paperwork on the carrier behalf, etc. Our team is available 24/7 for your dedicated support on the road.
Expert Load Negotiations
Our team monitors lanes and indexes to ensure we are booking the best freight possible in every scenario. Our team trains relentlessly on market data as well as negotiations to ensure that you are able to take advantage of the best loads available. We also will handle, detention pay requests, TONU (Truck Order Not Used) and layovers. With decades of actual experience, our team is a cut above.
Back Office Administration
Dispatch Transportation LLC can handle your invoicing, load factoring, record keeping, payment invoicing a driver communications, and more. We will handle everything from invoicing to paying settlements and dispatching your fleet. Our team of experience resources work with utmost dedication to make ends meet. With the availability of experienced and professional staff you can always have a piece of mind and time of your own.
Why Us!
One of the major reasons why owner-operators fail in their first year is their inability to find loads while running a trucking company. Managing the back-office tasks of a trucking carrier is also very time consuming.
Keep in mind that only the right dispatch company helps you as a carrier, manage all of these and also help you become more profitable.
Dispatch Transportation LLC ensures that the process of negotiating, transporting and delivery goes as smoothly as possible. We take care of the trivial tasks so that you can focus on the miles ahead of you. We understand the frustration truckers face searching load boards, calling brokers with cheap freight, waiting for emails & paying for copies & faxes.
Experienced and dedicated personal dispatchers
True route planning
Handle all necessary faxes and paperwork
Invoicing included
No minimum usage
No term commitments
Competitive dispatching rates
(307) 249-8772
Let us take care of all your dispatch needs today!!